Monday, February 20, 2012

The past was dead, the furniture unimaginable

mixed media collage -- tinted tissue paper*, found images,
washers, bead wire, seed beads, jewelry findings,
excerpt from an old book*, gold foil on canvas board.
5" x 7"

*Notes -- I tint Spectra art tissue using fluid acrylics and lots of water.

The canvas board is textured with opaque gel acrylic medium.
Book excerpt: 1984 by George Orwell

Four Runs in the Ninth

mixed media collage -- painted paper, newsprint,
found metal objects, chain on canvas board.
8" x 10"

In Case of Pants...

mixed media collage -- painted papers*, vintage newspaper,
acrylic, button, found rusty metal objects on canvas board
6" x 8"

*Note-- I painted finger paint paper with acrylics using various
faux finishing techniques.

Bumper Farm Crop Predicted

mixed media collage -- acrylic, tinted tissue paper, found images,
found metal objects, bead wire, jewelry findings, brads
headline from vintage newspaper, and book excerpt* on canvas board.
5" x 7"

*Book excerpt from 1984 by George Orwell