Sunday, September 4, 2011

falling apart

mixed media collage -- acrylic, tissue paper, painted
paper*, wrapping paper, found metal objects, key, bead wire, 
copper flakes, star glitter, hotel room key card, glass,
and book excerpt* on canvas.
12 x 12
August 2011

*Note-- I painted finger paint paper with acrylics using various
faux finishing techniques.

*Book excerpt from The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie

sail away

mixed media collage -- acrylic, wire, handmade paper,
found papers, metal objects and glass on canvas board.
8 x 10
August 2011

unclear vision

mixed media collage -- acrylic, paper napkins, pages from 
old books, found metal and glass objects on canvas board.
8 x 10
August 2011